Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Forget religion, Remember love

Part 1:

"So you're a christian?", he asks, "well I'm gay so what does your God have to say about that?"

Frozen. Still. Religious law between us like a wall. 
Your question not a question, just a point you're trying to make. 
And you wait for me to say it, just to hear me say it too. 
But as I dig inside me for answers, religion I do not find. 
I just see the God of love "who died for me while I was still a sinner" 
The God who looks past my mess and sees His Son in me. 
The God who embraces me even with the sins that I do not yet see. 
The faithful friend who walks with me, completely understands me, my battles and blindness... yet doesn't rush me, but patiently teaches me and leads me gently in steps, a journey to freedom.
The wall has dropped, at least for me... and I see the question beneath your question.
"What does your God actually think of ME?"

I look up at my friend, "lets put all debates to the side" I say, "and leave it up to God, 
to show you the answers his way, for I am only human and still wrestling for those answers too... But for now, my friend, I can tell you this for sure:
"Forget Religion - Remember Love"  - and in time he'll show you more

Part 2:

So here's my answer to your real question, what you gotta know; 
It's that God really loves you, and there's nothing you can DO...
Even at the worst in life, he'll never change how he feels for you.

So forget all condemnation, what you've done or who you are.
Before you try to change a thing, know that he takes you as you are! 
Jesus made a way, the creator - he accepts YOU!!! 
Even at your worst....his back is not turned, and if you think it is, 
please turn around, cause he's the one facing YOU!

Maybe bruised and confused, but HE knows who you are. 
The mess doesn't phase him, he just wants you as you are! 
So no more faking or hiding or denying how you really feel, 
for the God who made you knows it all & offers life, love and peace.

Misjudged, misunderstood; a past of no more words? 
And you may think he would never understand what brought you to be like this? 
But He knows and he was there, and every painful moment - your tears he shared.

So for a moment please forget religion, and just remember LOVE...
For love is simply who God is, and that fact you cannot miss!

He loves you, he loves you, no matter what you DO.
You can run and try ignore, but let's face it, it's the one thing your hearts aching for!!! 
Love. Acceptance and no need at all to earn it. 
But why and how? For me, a mess like this???? 
Yeah I said that too, and it didn't stop him.
The price was paid, our freedom bought, for all who don't deserve it.
So I guess that counts both me and you too? We do not need to earn it!

Many waist their time trying to work their way to God,
But never really get to rest in his loving arms. 
Others keep their distance as they just cannot believe,
That this gift of love is actually free, but its really love they just can't receive.

The king himself says to you
"Relax my child ... be still.
Now take a moment, take a breath -
Receive. Know I'm with you.
I'm here if your back is turned 
And I'm here if your facing me.
Either way i'm right here and I'm never leaving you.

I'll wait and wait for you... 
Don't try fixing yourself first. 
Simply walk with me now, 
and I will show you meaning and rest.