Saturday, July 23, 2016

I've got the world to show you!

So I sat down for a chat with the one knows me best.... I asked him... "where can I find you today?"... This is what he spoke to me as I held the pen.


Go and explore my beautiful world. I created this for you. See the beauty in every detail of creation. And search for me in all these things. 

Before you get all caught up in dreaming and talking much, STAND IN AWE of me - 
the Creator of the Universe
the Alpha and Omega
your Heavenly Father
your Saviour and Redeemer
your Friend and Comforter
your Almighty God!

Listen in! hear the things I am speaking to you everyday! See me in the people you love, and those you are yet to discover and learn more of, see me within the many different cultures, see the limitless heights of the sky and countless stars - see my eyes watching over you and how there is nothing too big for me. See the beauty I have created all around you! See me amongst every living thing. 

Listen to the waves and how they praise me. listen to the thunder and how my passion and love for you is never ending. Notice every detail of creation and see how I do not miss one detail when I look at you! Look into the mirror and see my child, my creation, I made you!!! I made you - with enjoyment! 

Never lose who you are - I know you and you are found in me. Commit all you do to me, and watch your plans succeed! Take a look at this beautiful world and discover all the things I made for you to explore, there is so much for you to see, to find and learn while you are on this earth! You won't run out of things to see and learn. I have created plenty, and so much depth to each thing! 

Explore! Find me all over this beautiful world! and take a moment to Stand in Awe, see me in it all. I am your Creator. and this is how I made you - to
LIVE fully alive, free from sin, lies and fear. Yes, I did not create you with a spirit of fear, in your mothers womb I created you with a Spirit of LOVE, POWER and SOUND MIND. 

Here on this earth, discover me, and discover the full potential I have made you for - to LOVE with such greatness and know love more deeply than you do now, to carry my presence and release my ways POWERFULLY on this earth, yes I have given you authority to do great things in my name, and for your mind to explode with thoughts of LIFE, TRUTH, my Words, and PEACE that surpasses all understanding - I created your thoughts to be so influential, that you'll be surprised what you can do when you believe, and even health and so much more will be influenced by your mind - so look after who I made you to be. 

I'm with you always, I love you unconditionally and I want to show you the world and all I have planned for you! This temporary life on earth is only a grain of sand compared to the eternity I have for you so don't worry and don't hold on to it too tightly.

If you surrender your life to me, you will win. If you keep it for yourself, you will lose so much. With this life and everyday I have given you, don't waste it. Use it well, and learn how to live fully alive in me! Come, exploring with me, I've got the world to show you!