Monday, October 9, 2017

Miracles over the years...

I was reflecting back to so many of the stories of Gods reality, greatness and personal connection throughout my life... there is not a bone in my body that doubts his existence. He is real. He is personal, he is faithful and he even has a sense of humour.

From times that he stopped the pouring rain for me to get my wet painting across to shelter, from the times where he even blinded a teachers eyes from seeing that I hadn't done the homework that I did not know about... the time that he gifted me with the beauty products I prayed for through a raffle - only 1 hour after my very specific prayer. The time that he kept showing me numbers of 7 on my 21st everywhere I went just to tell me something encouraging of what that personally meant to me, the time that instantly healed my flu so that I could perform at a concert, the time that he blessed me with a new smart phone when I asked him for one and how he taught me faith, to see the unseen of what was coming when my old photo had been stolen (after that prayer request), the time that he radically transformed me with boldness and no fear over the summer as I stepped into highschool, no longer timid, and never back to that again. 

The times that he gave me words of knowledge about people that I would not have known so that I could pray for them, and then find out after that it was not only true but that the prayer worked too, gwtting them through an almost breakdown (youth leader). The time that he gave me courage to confront a psychic in my school classroom as she tried to brainwash us in her presentation, and then watching her physically manifest with hunches after my brace question - and have my class mates see for themselves the real deal. The time that he dared me to write something radical on my school bag and then find out later that it impacted many lives. The time that he gave me a dream that I would meet a guy on the plane with many more details and then seeing it all come true! The time that I walked into a casino for the first time and asked God nicely if I could please win $200 and then hit jackpot at first go, winning that exact amount. 

The prayer time at the valley where he brought into existence the very house and household vision I asked for including every specific detail that I almost could not believe it when it became real...!!! the second time he did it again when I asked for the next house. The miracle answers to prayer that my friend received too fron that same prayer time, including her promotion, house purchase and husband. The way he lead me to my church, and how it started the very month and year that I prayed into being (middle of 2012 I think it was).... the time that petrol tank filled up while I was driving and running out of fuel, the time that he made over 12 warts on my foot disappear over night - something I prayed he would do and them saw answered much later. The many times he blessed me with the exact type of new friend that I hoped for when I was the new girl. The life changing revelation he taught me over 2010 of what the cross, salvation and gospel message really means and how it radically changed my perspective from judging views, gave me consistency and security for my relationship in Christ. The times that he taught me his fun side and how he laughs with me in moments. The many times he provided specific requests while shopping - including the time I imagined the exact type of bathers shape and colour I wanted which I had not seen around often, knowing I only had 15min to find it before leaving for my flight, I prayed and asked him to show me - and he lead me to the exact shop - finishing my purchase on time with exactly what I wanted. Just cause he cares about the little things too and wants us to involve him in everything - because why not?!

To the miracles I experienced during my Europe trip, the time I saw the feet of Jesus and how three of us all witnessed his strong amazing presence walking around the top as we worshipped and felt intense holiness. An impression of Jesus and what he is like has always stayed with me from that day, and I hope the never forget it. The time that we went treasure hunting again in the town, and found John and his junior - an amazing encounter that even surprised me and my friends. The time he healed a lady's ears in the pub of Amsterdam while he was teaching me grace and that it's not about me and my self righteousness. The time that he told me to look for a man named Paul one night while in Ibiza, and then lead me to meet him... and how his life was transformed simply from a personal word you had for him and our conversation at the top of the hill. The time that you sent someone from my team to witness his transformation over 6 weeks later just to encourage me that he was a new person, ever since that night!! 

The time he spared my life in a car accident and gave me peace and the presence of angels in a moment that should have been terrifying. The time he talked me through my survival in a rip over 30minutes and then changed the waves, pushing us back into shore until rescuers came. 

the time that he healed many people through me in India, and then healed me of gluten intolerance too when I asked him that I'd like to be included in all these headings, the time that he healed my friend from lactose intolerance the very day that he spoke to me and asked if I still believe he can do it? The time he resurrected a guy as we prayed for him after witnessing his car accident, and the time that lady's shoulder got healed in macdonalds after years of unsuccessful operations, the time when he taught us how to treasure hunt and showed us the exact guy from our vision, even to his exact name and image! 

And even thinking back to day 1, the time that he miraculously healed me as a baby when the doctors said there was no chance of me functioning normally with 50% of not making it at all. I was 100% healed through prayer with a speedy recovery at ICU in weeks and the doctors testified that it was nothing short of a miracle.

More to come when I remember the rest and detailed stories to follow soon when I get the chance to write these all.

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